About Conference
Conference Series LLC Ltd invites all the chemical professionals, researchers, professors, scientific communities, delegates, students, business professionals and executives from all over the world to attend the “24th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery & Drug Delivery” which is to be held during March 14-15, 2024 at Vancouver, Canada which includes prompt Keynote resentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Workshops and Exhibitions.
Medicinal Drug Discovery 2024 is an event intended to provide an exclusive platform to discuss and learn about Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Delivery and Drug Discovery. This event brings together the top professionals in the Medicinal chemistry and Drug Delivery field along with the highly affiliated professors to explore the advancements and latest applications achieved in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Drug Development, CADD and Drug Delivery, Novel Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery ,Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology and toxicology, Anticancer agents, Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Organic Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Evolution of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Science, Latest Developments in Alzheimer’s Drugs, Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Technologies for Drug Discovery, Receptors and Inhibitors, Applications of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry in Drug Discovery and Anti Parkinson's Drugs.
Conference Series LLC LTD aims to provide a forum for international researchers from various areas of chemistry, pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Delivery to share latest cutting-edge research findings and results about all aspects of Medicinal Chemistry. Each session of the meeting will be included with expert lectures, poster and discussions in the field of Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Drug Delivery and Drug Development, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and overall applications.
Details of Medicinal Chemistry Conference 2024:
ConferenceSeries.com organizing Medicinal Chemistry Conference in 2024 in Canada. We organize Medicinal Chemistry Meetings in the fields related to it like Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Pharmacology.
Conference Name
Medicinal Chemistry Conference 2024
Vancouver, Canada
March 14-15, 2024
Target Audience for Medicinal Drug Discovery 2023:
Eminent Scientists/ Research Professors in the field of Medicinal chemistry and Drug Delivery, Junior/Senior research fellows, Students, Directors of Pharmaceutical research companies, Chemical Engineers, Members of different physics and Chemistry associations.
Market Analysis:
Market Analysis:
Medicinal chemistry and Drug Discovery is a stimulating field as it links many scientific disciplines and allows for collaboration with other scientists in researching and developing new drugs. Medicinal chemists apply their chemistry training to the process of synthesizing new pharmaceuticals. They also improve the processes by which existing pharmaceuticals are made. Medicinal chemists are focused on drug discovery and development and are concerned with the isolation of medicinal agents found in plants, as well as the creation of new synthetic drug compounds.
Chemistry volumes continue to rise in the U.S. and chemical market expected to contract this year—As a result, chemical industry capital spending in the U.S. surged 12.1% in 2014 and gained 21.0% in 2015, reaching $43.58 billion and accounting for more than one-half of total construction spending by the manufacturing sector. The association representing US-based chemical producers said that US chemical production (excluding pharmaceuticals) is expected to realize the overall growth of 1.6% in 2016, followed by 4.1% growth next year, and 5.0% in 2018. Average annual gains of over 8% per year in U.S. Chemical industry capital spending are expected through 2018 with only a minor slowdown in subsequent growth expected. By 2021, ACC expects capital spending to reach $70 billion, contributing to four consecutive years of job growth in the industry. American chemistry revenues will exceed $1.0 trillion by 2020.

Chemistry Council stated that more than 275 new chemical production projects had been announced since 2010 with a total value of more than $170 billion, with a full 49% already complete or under construction; 61% of these are the foreign direct investment. By 2021, U.S. capital spending by the chemical industry will reach $65 billion—more than triple the level of spending at the start of this prolonged cycle in 2010. The trade surplus in chemicals (excluding pharmaceuticals) will grow to $36 billion this year as exports rise by 2% to $132 billion and imports hold steady at $96 billion. Two-way trade between the U.S. and its foreign partners will reach $227 billion this year and will grow steadily over the coming years.
The popularity of Formulation and Drug Discovery has increased significantly in recent years. The Drug Delivery Technology market is expected to reach USD 1,504.7 Billion by 2020 from USD 1,048.1 Billion in 2015, growing at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2015 to 2020. Drug delivery technology market offers a promising approach for the delivery of various kinds of drugs that have different molecular formulation. Drug delivery technology is aimed at maximizing the drug delivery at the targeted site so as to increase the efficiency of drug and proposing improved patient compliance.

Pre Conference Workshop Invitation
The conference authority is planning to organize a preconference workshop with your support in your university/lab on a title related to Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Designing and Drug Discovery or allied stream of your choice
The workshop can be scheduled as per your availability prior to main event. Workshop should be planned with 4-5 speakers and 40-50 attendees in the university or college premises.
All the required brochures & banners will be provided by us and will be sent to the venue of the preconference workshop before its commencement.
The participants of this preconference workshop can be professors, associate professor, lecturer, instructor, counsellors, or student of the same or different nearby universities.
In return we will provide certificate of participation to all the attendees signed by the organizer of the pre-conference workshop with prior confirmed list.
Medicinal Drug Discovery 2023 in Canda, North America is the main event for which this preconference will be organized and to promote the attendance for the said main event.
Also all the workshop attendees will get an abatement of 20% on the registration for attending the conference of Medicinal Drug Discovery 2023.
Hope this will have more benefits than expected and help us mutually to run the conference successfully. We would highly appreciate your opinion on the said proposal and await your positive response towards this.
Why to attend?
Our Conference will provide a perfect platform addressing:
• Remarkable talks by the top-notch of the global scientific community
• Notable workshop sessions
• Significant awards and global recognition to meritorious researchers
• Global networking with 80+ countries
• Novel techniques to enhance your research